Software «CONTRACT» is intended for the forming, registration and saving of contracts and agreements.

It has order book, giving the full information about: 

  • orders and customers;
  • contractor and departments participating an the works execution;
  • stores of  ready  production, materials and complications;
  • suppliers.

The user can easily enter the detailed information about orders  and receive corresponding information by the friendly interface .

For providing of software functioning  are necessary the following minimal complex of technical means:

* IBM PC compatible computer;
* RAM 8 MB;
* minimum10 Mb free place on HDD;
* OC Windows 95.

Software is accessible for the each user, who can operate by Windows 95.


Extra  possibilities:

Limitations (password insertion) to baseline access may be included on program.


The system is intended for organizing information service with N subscribers and M operators of phone lines.
The telephone I&R system operates by phone controllers, corresponding to the Microsoft TAPI standards.


The system provides following possibilities:

  • detecting of the  incoming  call;
  • automatic number identification of subscriber;
  • time filling of subscriber until connection to operator;
  • connection to the free operator;
  • contact the operator — subscriber in case of the free operator;
  • information about the connection (start, end, operator’s number) and conversations recording;
  • monthly report about of calls number;
  • archive of the conversations.


It is a hardware-software complex, provided automated preparation and automatic playback of the specialized voice messages ATIS.
The device is interfaced with airdrome radio station or transmitting amplifier for cyclic transfer of the message to  crew of planes. The message is transferred in Russian, English, or in two languages.
While operator prepares the message, he uses only keyboard and display of computer. The message is reproduced    by a voice of the announcer. Therefore the choice of a working place does not require sound insulated room.
The requirements to technical qualification of the operator in a part of «computer» preparation are minimal, time necessary for training the personnel usually makes from tens of minutes up to several hours.

The device includes:

* IBM PC with  Sound Blaster;
* interface with   telegraph — telex line;
* interface with the transmitting amplifier;
* software;
* the description and operation.

On the customer’s order

Means of restriction of  unauthorized access to the device (introduction of the passwords, recording of authorship of the messages) can be included  in  system.
The reserve sets of the equipment can be included, printer, and also source of uninterrupted power (UPS) with respec-tive alteration of cost of delivery.


We are offering two modification of unit RTCS unit:
  • Unit of RTCS-01, intended for start and control of main aggregates (motors, etc) and test of voltage occurrence on single-phase and three-phase current mains with 380V by the given DTMF code;
  • unit of RTCS-02, intended for DTMF control command transmission toRTCS-01 unit and reception from its information about unit situation.
RTCS-01 and RTCS-02 units give the opportunity to build remote control systems with large number of various electric machines and carry out control of units’ situation on various areas.
Each of  RTCS-01 and RTCS-02 unit operates in a complex with radio station. The radio station can be any type with the opportunity to voice frequency transmission.
Simultaneously in one network can be functioned up to 9999 units of  RTCS-01 unit, every of which has your unique four-figure number.
The RS232 input gives the opportunity to RTCS-01 and RTCS-02 units add various peripheral devices, including various  types  of data transmission modems.


We are offering the TCSGPRS01 unit intended for communication by GPRS.

TCSGPRS01 unit carries out:

  • start and control of executive assemblies (motors, etc.);
  • test of voltage occurrence in single-phase and three-phase mains with 380 V.

 Unit gives the opportunity to:

  • build remote control systems with large number of various electric machines;
  • carry out control of units on various areas;
  • organize initial data acquisition from various sensors and as digital stream to transfer by GPRS;
  • provide dialog with control centre by the given protocol;
  • according to received data,  transfer Switch ON/OFF command to electric machine starter or request information about starter situation and occurrence of voltage in electric machine’s current mains.

 Unit control commands are set: by PC, connected to USB input or by keyboard in off-line mode.