The GMC-1 is intended for acquisition and transmission of data, about of controllable object condition, through a cell-communication network to the server.

The GMC-1 includes:

  •  the SIM900 system from GPRS module;
  • processor;
  • signals matching module;
  • external GSM-antenna.


 The modular construction of the device and presence of the programmed processor allow using it in various systems of remote supervision and management.

The clock of a real time and reserve Li-Ion the accumulator, providing operation of controller at switching-off of an external feeding are built in the controller.

The device supports following interfaces: RS-485, RS-232, I2C, SPI, ONEWire.

Functional capabilities:

  •  SMS sending and receiving;
  • Data transmission and reception by GPRS;
  • Reception and transmission of voice calls;
  • Indication about of registration in the GSM network;
  • Presence of dialing fixing number;
  • Access implementation to SIM only through defined GSM network’s operator.


Number of digital input/output 40
Number of analogue inputs (0…3V) 16
Supply voltage from constant-current source 6…40 V
Supply voltage from internal accumulator 3,7 V (1A per hour)
Current consumption at call waiting 30 mA
Current consumption at data transmission mode 300 mA
Operation time at feeding off-line mode, no more than
— at call waiting mode 33h
— at data transmission mode 3h
Current peak value 2 A
Digitization speed 500 ksps
Mobile class B
GPRS standard class 10